
Monday, February 11, 2013

MHO Monday Mingle


Welcome to the Monday Mingle!
Hosted by
This Week's Theme: LOVE
This Week's Questions:
1. Who was your first love?
Man that is tough!  Does Joey McIntire from NKOTB count???  If anyone asks me who that is or what NKOTB means I will ban you for making me feel old!  LOL
My first love's was a boy named Justin.  I was 16 and he was way to old for me and ended up being a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!!  JERK!!
That's all I have to say about that! 
2. Do you remember your first kiss?
I remember kissing a boy behind church.  I was 14 or 15.  I thought he was sooOOoooOOoo cuuuuuute!!! I don't remember his name now.  We will blame that on my momnesia!  
3. What are your plans for this Valentine's Day?
 I will be spending Valentine's Day with my tiniest Valentines.  Heath will be out of town so it is just me and my munchkins.  I have a feeling they will be great dates though...even if I do have to pay.  haha
4. What do you love most about your Significant Other? If you're single, what quality do you look for the most?
I love that he takes care of us no matter what.  I know he would never let us go without.  I know that he will never stop loving us and I know that he would never leave us.  He has his moments where I want to punch him in the throat but at the end of the day, I can trust him.  That is hard to find.  Especially with his job.  He is gone 6 days a week and it would be easy for him to meet someone new and it would be easy for me to freak out 24/7 wondering.  I don't have to though.  I have confidence in our relationship and that is an amazing feeling!!
5. What would be your DREAM gift for Valentine's Day?
A vacation.  I'm so tired. 
Okay, now it's your turn. Grab the button and questions and repost on your page!!! Link your post up and mingle with other bloggers!!! No rules, just meet new people!
Next week's theme: KIDS


  1. Was the boy you kissed behind church name Paul? LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know what NKOTB stands for! Except I had a crush on Jordan ;-)

  4. Posting mine now. Fun!!!

    And NKOTB were AFTER my time. :P

  5. My first love was also a cheater cheater pumpkin eater. Awhile after we broke up he got arrested for dealing drugs and was later deported. I knew how to pick 'em, in high school.


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