
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Running Away

I am so tired of being tired!  Especially now that we are finally having such beautiful weather!  So, I am running away!  Away from my couch!  I decided to get my behind outdoors!  Last night I told the kids to put their shoes on because I decided we were going for a walk.

I am very lucky in the sense that I do not have to push my kids to be active.  They are already there.  They are outdoor kids.  We have a Wii, iPhones, internet, a DSi, and more cable channels than anyone needs.  Yet, my children still play outside more that they play with electronics.  That pleases me a great deal.  It makes me feel like I am doing my job as a parent.  I feel like I have taught them the importance of being active.  Yay me!  Go me!  I rock!  Blah, Blah, Blah....WHATEVER


I did NOT lead by example.  I feel very guilty about that.  Like, super guilty!  I have always been the kind of person who won't ask anything of you that I would not do myself.  EXCEPT, when it comes to this.  Now, I think it needs to change!

I decided to use last night's walk as a trial run.  How much the kids could do, how much I could do, how the baby would do, and what kind of traffic I was dealing with.  I definitely learned to avoid certain roads.  I felt multiple near death experiences.  People really need to slow their asses down in my neighborhood!  Anyway, that is a whole other topic!  I also learned from my test run....well, not run, more like test walk and jog intervals, that I need ear plugs.  Our whole walk consisted of the 8 year old asking me if I knew where I was going.

Shane:  "Mom, do you know where we are?"
Me: "yes Shane"
Shane: "Mom, are you sure we aren't lost"
Me: "yes Shane"
Shane "Mom, do you know where you are going?"
Me: "yes, Shane"
Shane: "Mom, I don't think you know where you're going"
Me: "yes I do Shane"
Shane: "Mom, maybe we should stop and ask one of these house for directions home"
Shane: "well, I'm sorry Mom but it just seems like we are lost.  It's okay, to ask for help mom.  Nobody will laugh"
Me:  "Talk again and I will hit you"

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet.  With the occasional squeal from the Princess.  She liked the jogging part.  I have a feeling she is going to be my little thrill seeker!  Lord, help me, if that is the case!!  haha

So, after that adventure we all slept pretty good last night.  I don't plan on letting my 8 year old discourage me with his yapping.  I may invest in a shock collar.

I did talk to Liz, over at Funny Postpartum Lady who happens to be a runner and she sent me to check out a Couch to 5K app on my phone. I found it and downloaded it.  I will also be getting more involved in the Runners Group over at MothersHelpingOthers.  Hopefully, some of you other runners can go over there and leave some tips for me!

I will keep everyone updated with my progress.  Wish me luck!!!!!


  1. Yay!!!! You are finally venturing out! I am so proud of you. Tell Shane I said to stop bothering you or he will stay at a sitter while the rest of you go have fun.

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  3. Good for you! I like to run when the weather is BAD - makes the winters much more bearable and i don't overheat. If you have a local running club, I'd check into that too, the motivation and support from a group is amazing.

  4. ahhhh I SO want to run! I can't though..I have the grace of an elephant and end up tripping over myself. Not pretty.

    Following through the TGIF blog hop :)
    The 5th Level of Motherhood


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