
Monday, February 4, 2013

Dinner Time Drama

It never ever fails that I on a normal evening I don't actually get to consume my dinner.  You know, the dinner I slaved over and cooked.  The dinner that my kids usually don't even end up eating.  The same dinner that they asked for.  Yeah, that dinner.  The other night we had a special request.  Steak and salad.  That is what they wanted.  Sounded great to me!  I ordered this time though.  I absolutely love that we have a steak delivery place in town.  I thought "this will be great!  I won't have to cook and the clean up will be simple and the kids will be happy because it is what they asked for!"  I ordered the steak tips lunch special. (the place does lunch orders until 5!!!) It was only $6.99 for the lunch special and it was big enough for the boys to share.  It came with 6 oz of steak tips, a baked potato and a salad.

As I was transferring their dinner onto paper plates, they both started fighting over who was going to sit where.  I told them to settle down and to sit in the spots they usually sit in.  They both sat down, I handed them their food and did not even bother to sit with them because I knew it was coming "MoooOOoooM what do we have to drink?"  So I cut them off at the pass.  "Boys, what do you want to drink" and got the usual reply...a soda of some sort.  That night it was Ginger Ale with a cherry....yeah, don't ask...they are weird kids.  

We all know what happens if something takes an extra step.  Extra step=Adding cherries.  Yeah, I know!  Simple step!  Just enough time for them to bombard you with more questions.  This time is was "MoooooooOOOoooooooM, where is the steak sauce?? We can't eat steak without steak sauce!  Can you get it for us please???"  I said "boys, I'm getting the drinks you wanted, you will have to wait for the steak sauce"  They both grumble "fine".  I finally finish pouring the drinks and before I can even get them on the table I hear gagging, coughing and a cry for help!  I turn around and the oldest is choking on steak. 


All I could think was "It never ends, it is always something!"  Yes, I know that sounds harsh since he was actually choking BUT since he cried for help, I knew we weren't facing life or death.  As I'm smacking him on the back all I can hear is "Mom!!!  Where is my drink?  Oh and where is my steak sauce?" 

So I am beating one kid on the back and fielding "where is" questions from another.


Finally!!!  Here came the steak!
First word out of the kids mouth?
Thanks Mom!! Yeah...NO!  I did not get a "thank you" 
I got a "can I get my steak sauce and drink now?"
In which he got the following reply
"Go sit your butt down and learn to chew your darn steak!!"

I turn around to grab the drinks and the steak sauce and hear this horrible and loud bloody murder style scream coming from the youngest boy.  I stop what I'm doing, turn around and see that the 3 year old has got his arm stuck in the chair.  How he does this I will never know.  I go over there and do a little maneuvering, and get his arm out.  Did I get a thank you from him?  Nope!  Instead I got a "drink and steak sauce mamma!  OH and don't forget the cherries!!"  


By this time, my steak was cold and my salad was wilted and warm.  The kids had what they wanted and were pleased with themselves, and me?  Well, as usual, I ended up just putting my food in the fridge, then poured myself a very large glass of wine, and went to my room for some peace and quiet.  

It is always something around here with my kids and usually, it happens during dinner.  Tell me I'm not alone please?! 

Don't forget to enter in the $100 Cash Crate Giveaway!  You can find out how to enter by going HERE.  The giveaway ends on February 15, 2013!  So hurry, hurry and good luck :)


  1. Nope, not alone. :)

    *I <3 Steak Express!!

  2. When my kids were little I remember not even being able to taste my meal much less enjoy it because of all the stress at the dinner table. How about when you're at a restaurant and you spend more time taking the kids to the bathroom than sitting at the table? It does get better, I promise. Oh and a steak delivery place?! Where do you live and are there any houses for sale around you?? lol

    1. hahaha! YES!!!! My kids must visit EVERY bathroom at least twice!! Good times! I'm in Abilene, TX and YES there are a few for sale ;)

    2. I have always felt drawn to Texas, now I know why. Any place that brings steak right to your doorstep is the place for me!

    3. Yeah, you can't beat steaks at your doorstep in 45 minutes or less. LOL Heck, they even make amazing burgers, chicken, salmon and shrimp! Add online ordering to the mix and it can be very dangerous! LOL


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