
Sunday, June 30, 2013

How a Trip to Walmart for Bread Can Lead to an Amazing Family Night

I ran to Walmart tonight.  All I needed was a particular kind of bread that I like from their bakery.  Like any normal, breathing person, I can't just go into Walmart for 1 thing.  I remembered that I needed diapers when I got there.  That totally screwed me.  See, the bread is in the front of store and the diapers are toward the back.  That means I will find other stuff to buy on my walk from the bakery to the diapers.

This time, I have to admit that my spur of the moment purchase worked out great.  I walked passed a display for stuff to make s'mores with.  We are on a vacation and staying with my parents.  They have a pretty house that sits on 2 acres of land, beneath a lot of lush trees, and has a small creek running through the backyard.  My dad built a fire pit back there a few years ago, and seeing the s'mores display reminded me of that.  So I grabbed the Hershey's bars, the Graham Cracker squares, and the Campfire Marshmallows, threw them in the cart and didn't look back.

I came home (to my parents house) cooked and cooked dinner.  Once the kids and my dad finished eating I told them about my purchase.  So, my dad went outside and started a little fire in the fire pit and the boys grabbed some chairs while I got everything ready to take outside.  Oddly enough, this is the first time I have ever made s'mores with the boys outside.

 I picked a great night to be all "spur of the moment".  It was about 68 degrees out and beautiful!  This was one of the most relaxing nights I have had in a long time.  I enjoyed every single minute with my kiddos and my dad!  We turned on the radio, showed the boys how to maintain the fire, roast the marshmallows, and put the s'mores together.  I got to listen to the boys laugh and tell stories, and more importantly, I got show them how to relax and just enjoy being together as a family WITHOUT iPhones, Wii's, computers, or TV's. I really love these nights, the spur of the moment surprises always end up being the best nights.

busted!  They were delicious though!  hehe

I don't wanna carry wood.  GROSS!  

I'll carry the wood, mom!

Grandpa and Hunter



Grandpa with his boys

Me and Hunter

Me and Shane

I had a great night and I am so blessed to have such a great family!  These are my favorite moments.  These are the moments that I love, the moments I cherish, and the moments I wouldn't trade for anything in the world!!  I don't want moments like this to pass me by and I plan on grabbing them every chance I get.  

30 day blogger challenge, Day 7::: COMPLETE!!!


  1. LOL, you can never go to Walmart for just one thing I've found out. :)

  2. Seriously...I don't even attempt to go to Walmart for 1 thing anymore! Especially if a kid has to come with me!

    Great story!


  3. I love this story!
    If you've got a couple of minutes (and a box of tissues), watch this video


    I think your s'mores night is exactly what she is talking about.

  4. I hate that I don't get to be a part of "family nights"! It saddens me that I have a job that totally sucks! At least you, the boys and daddy will have some memories to cherish.


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