
Monday, July 1, 2013

Walk This Way

Well, it's official.  I have myself a toddler.  Adeline took a few steps yesterday and quite a few more today.  Life as I know it is officially over.  Her life, on the other hand, is just getting started.  Before long she will take off running.  If only her sweet little mind could comprehend how far her little legs will actually take her.

The joys of accomplishment are so amazing at this age.  They are truly remarkable.  They are appreciated by children so young.  They are rewarded, and welcomed, and recognized as a huge spectacular event.  They are joyous and full of claps, cheers, hugs, and kisses.  These accomplishments are sweet...well...bittersweet.

I love how babies are focused on the here and now.  I love that they don't have a care in the world.  Their little faces full of innocence.  The way they light up with every revelation they make.  I wish that innocence and excitement could be captured and bottled.  I wish we could hold on to it forever.  The hardest part of watching your children grow...the part that is more bitter than sweet...that's the part where you have to see your child's pain during this amazing growing and learning process.  When they start realizing that they aren't as fast as the little boy next door, or they can't roller skate as good as the little girl across the street.  That is what makes watching your babies grow up so painful.

I know that those moments are a long way off for my little princess but, they will be here before I know it.  Until then I guess I will just enjoy this stage of innocence and joy in her eyes and try not to stress over the idea of her growing up.  She's my last baby though.  I guess it's tough knowing these are going to be the last of firsts for us.

30 Day Blogger Challenge, Day 8::::COMPLETE!!!


  1. Is walking what makes a toddler? Crap! That means mine is close, too. I am so with you on loving the innocence, happiness, pure joy. It already makes me sad to think of it being squashed. Guess all we can do is do our best at being good role models about living in the moment and enjoying our own lives!

  2. Toddler years are fun and frustrating all at the same time. My youngest is just exiting toddlerhood and she looks like such a little lady. I swear I can't remember her being a baby. I miss her as a baby. Enjoy this time!

  3. Welcome the the joys of toddlerhood. My 17 month old toddler thinks she can do everything. You're going to love it. :)


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