
Monday, June 24, 2013

I Was Caught Dancing on the 6 O'Clock News

I haven't been to a concert in years.  Not kidding.  The last concert I attended was the "Justified & Stripped Tour" on July 5, 2003.   You may not even remember that concert.  It was back when Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera were totally awesome, and The Black Eyed Peas were nothing but an opening act.  Now, here it is, almost 10 years later and I finally got around going to a concert again.

I would not usually get the chance to attend such a grand event with my girlfriends.  This was pure luck!

Let me take you back in time to June 11, 2013:
It just so happens that I decided to mop my floors that day because I was having some of my bloggy friends over.  Wait, that sounds like I never mop unless I have guests.  Not true.  I mop my kitchen about 3 to 25 millions times a week. The amount varies depending on the spilling capabilities of my children during the week.  I don't mop my front entry that often though.  It's a small area and I usually spray 409 on the dirty spots and wipe it with a paper towel. However, when it gets mopped it is the slickest part of the house because it has one of those polyurethane coatings on it.  I went to town mopping that entry way.  It was bright, shiny, and immaculate!  I grabbed my mop bucket, took it into the kitchen, and dumped the dirty water down the drain.  My house was now nice and clean.  I wanted to get the mop and bucket out of the way before my friends arrived so I went running through the kitchen, passed the formal dining area, and stupidly stepped on my super slick, freshly mopped floor.  It was like a scene from a cartoon!  My feet were going back and forth, my mop bucket flew across the room and broke, then my feet went into the air, I fell backwards and just laid there...staring at the ceiling.  I'm sure I saw the cartoon birds and everything!  Well, here is a great example::

I suffered through the pain for a couple of days but it kept getting worse.  I called my doc.  He made fun of me like any good doctor would and then did some x-rays.  When all was said and done, it turned out that I had separated my right shoulder, sprained my wrist, have a tiny hairline fracture in my lower arm, and bruised my hip.  That's right folks, when I do something, I do it right!  By the way, I have a wonderful man in my life but he works really hard, and it's not close to home.  That means I am usually alone....with 3 kids.  Then I added all of these injuries on top of it.  How in the hell was I going to manage all of my kids, the housework, the yard work, the cooking, shopping, driving, etc... with a sling, an ace wrap and a wrist band?  I convinced myself that I would be fine and could do it.  NO PROBLEMO!  I was unable to convince my granparents though.  So they drove 900 miles to help me until it was time for my vacation up north to my parents.  I would have plenty of help there!

Fast forward to concert day::

June 20, 2013

My wonderful friend over at It's Not My Workout, It's My Diagnosis had never ever been to a concert, EVER!  So her friend bought them tickets to see Bret Michaels.  Sweet huh?  Not only was this going to be her very first concert (at the age of 32 nonetheless) but her daughter has Type 1 Diabetes just like Bret.  He has always been a huge inspiration to the T1D community!  Then one of our local news stations found out about her going to her first concert and wanted to do a news story on it.  I had really wanted to go to this concert and was soooooooooo jealous that she was going to get to go!  Not a bad jealous, more of a "I'm happy for her but would be even happier if I got to go too." kind of jealous.  haha  After I hurt myself she was kind enough to come give me a hand around the house so I wanted to do something nice in return.  I told her I was going to swing by her house and give her some money for drinks at the concert since I couldn't be there to pay myself.  This brought up the topic of "why can't you go?" and she reminded me that I actually do have help with the kids.

HOLY HELL!!!!!!!

It is so rare that I have someone to watch them that it didn't even click!  My grandparents were in town!  So, I told her that I would talk to them and let her know.  I have really awesome grandparents!  Like, REALLY awesome!  They didn't even hesitate.  They told me to go ahead and go, to have fun, and to be careful!  So I went online and bought the tickets.  Called my friend to see what time I should be there.  She was nervous!  So, being the AMAZING person I am, I grabbed the bottle of Apple Pucker that our friend Chelsey had left at my house, took it to her house and made her do a shot with me!  The awesome person who bought her the tickets was there, and so was another friend.  She lost her daughter to complications of Type 1 so this was special for her too!

The super fun reporter, Matthew Torres showed up, he caught us doing shots in the kitchen, saying dirty words, making crude jokes, and overheard some of our nonsensical conversations.  We were sure to say some things to embarrass the very young 23 year old reporter with the adorable baby face and then we took off for the concert!

When we got there we were introduced to a nice woman who was going to get to meet Bret and she told use she could get us in too.  When it came down to it only 3 of the 5 from our group were going to be able to go.  There was no room for all of us.  This was Jennifer's night, her friend bought her the tickets and our other friend has lost a child to T1D.  I bought my ticket last minute and barged in on a night they had already had planned.  So obviously I stepped back so they could go meet Bret.  I was a little disappointed that there wasn't enough room but I was soooooooo happy to see the other girls smiling and enjoying themselves over at his bus!  I have had a lot of amazing opportunities in my life so there was no way I was going to be upset over this. I am just glad that for once I got to enjoy a stress free night without having to worry.  Oh, wait, I did have one worry.  I had to make sure I looked decent because my friends and I can't just go to things like a concert without dragging a news crew with us!  We like to do things in a dramatic fashion.  Thanks for letting me tag along Jennifer.  Thanks for making my look like an idiot on the 6 pm news KTAB, and thanks for putting on a great show Bret!  Want to watch the news story and check out my not so hot dance moves??  You can watch the news story right here.  You will catch me dancing at the very end and other glimpses of me, my phone and my car too.  hehe

30 Day Blogger Challenge, Day 1::::COMPLETE!!!!!!


  1. Welcome to the party... :)

  2. Whoa! Glad you are feeling better! And I'm so happy you guys went to that concert! What a huge accomplishment for her! I was so excited when I saw pictures! :)
    I started the 30 Day Blog Hop Challenge. . .oh boy. . .

    I Don't comment often but I LOVE your blog!!!!!


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