
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ever notice the older you get the weirder the things are that make you happy?  I have an odd list of things.  Like oddly odd....I was a little apprehensive about including you all in my weirdness, but, hey, I just typed "apprehensive" without misspelling it.  If I can do that I can do ANYTHING!  Well, except spell "misspell". red lined me the first time.  *sigh*  Anyway, earlier today, after a very uncomfortable trip to the grocery store that involved an older man who felt the need to follow me and comment on my children's every move, and continue to ask my 3 year old if he was old enough to be driving that police car or if he had stolen it (the cart was shaped like a police car) I managed to escape and I got what I needed and headed home only to realize my groove had been lost.  Lost worse than Stella's.  Seriously!!!  Only problem?  I don't think I can get it back. Yep, that's right!  Never ever!!  It's ruined my routine!  My Number 1 happy thing is what we call in our house 


We all have them in our fridge but how we utilize them can be very different.  I don't use them for their intended purpose.  My bottom 2 drawers are used as a convenience tool.  The drawer on the left is the most important.  It saves me a lot of ups and downs.  It holds every kid friendly drink.  I know it sounds silly that this makes me happy but if this didn't exist I would be getting up and down a hundred times a day.  All I used to here before "THE DRAWER" was "mommmmm, I'm thirsty!!"  Then I would have to get up and get them drinks.  Now they just get in their drawer and get it themselves and the most I have to do is open it.  They know that that drawer is full of all kid friendly drinks and they can have their pick!  This is "THE DRAWER"

The unfortunate groove losing problem is really horrible!!  When restocking "THE DRAWER" I like to use an assembly line method.  I just rip the side flap open pass it to a kid and a kid just dumps it in.  TODAY that all changed with Capri Sun's redesign.  Apparently they have made them into easy to open fridge packs. 


They are NOT easy to open and I have no desire to stick a whole box of juice on some random shelf.  Why? I know you are dying to know!  I won't because when the box is empty who is going to find it empty and be stuck throwing it away?  That's right!  ME!  Also, this has ruined my whole assembly line!  Do you know how long it took me to get the "perforated lines" to separate? Do you know the definition for Perforation is?

"a method of making individual stamps, coupons, etc, easily separable by punching holes along their margins"

 This was not easy!  It was 20 minutes of punching and cussing and scaring the crap out of my kids because of the psychosis that was caused in trying to get this damn box open!!  Seriously, Capri Sun, why???  

Here is the box:: this turned into something different than I had planned.  Sorry about that.  I will share the rest of my weird "likes" in another blog.  Sneak peak?  Thing number 2 is BOWLS!!  Admit it, you're intrigued now aren't you??  haha

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