
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"No honey, Mommy didn't run a red light, she was just a little late to the green one!"  Yep...shocked myself with that quick wit! 

Today has been a barrel of laughs!  

It had "Big Wiener's" and "Little Dinger's"  Yeah...someone actually tried to open a hot dog joint called "Big Wiener's Drive-in".  My kids...and my Dad can't get jokes and comments out fast enough!  My vehicle was full of 4 adults and 2 children by age but HOLY SMOKES!!  We were all giggling like little kids! To top it all off, we had to pass by it twice!!  Then you mix the children's love for the name of the kids "Lil Dinger" cups from the local drive thru convenience store and you have even more ammo for bad jokes! 

Then you add in my sister and her sense of humor and the pregnant driver of the vehicle nearly goes into pre term labor!

Sister::Why did baby Karen fall of the swing?
Me::I don't know, why?
Sister::She didn't have any arms...
Sister::Knock, knock
Me::who's there?
Sister::NOT KAREN!


Last of all there is this....

Sending your kids off for a sleepover is always a struggle of emotions.  I always feel worried for the parents taking on my child, nervous that my child will want to come home in the middle of the night, scared about that they will spill horrible family secrets to their friend's parents,  Luckily, the sleepover I sent my kid to last night was at a home of a nearly life long family friend.  It doesn't get any more secure and worry free than that.

So I thought....

I picked up my darling, sweet, innocent (okay, you can stop laughing now) 7 year old boy this afternoon from their home.  We get into the car and I ask how his sleepover went and got to hear all about the fun they had!  THEN I got to hear about the show that they watched!  It was about a woman...who had a baby...and she did NOT want to the baby...and she did NOT know she was even having a baby "and she didn't even ASK for the baby, Mom" and even though this baby was unwanted some how she still had the baby and "SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WAS PREGNANT, MOM!!!"  Thank you for that my dear friend!  Thank you...
Maybe, God should have made us all stick figures so this kind of pregnancy scare doesn't happen!  hahaha


  1. I have tears from laughing so hard. I'm so sorry!! Myah has a love for baby shows. She was watching this particular one last night when the boys got home from karate. I was trying to get her to turn it off. Guess it stayed on longer than I thought. Luckily they don't tell how the baby got there. Then I definitely would have some explaining to do. It has however scared the crap out of Myah and she swears what ever it is they do to get a baby in there she's not doing it. LOL!! Did I tell you how much I love you!! Joy

  2. Where did you find that stick figure picture? It is hilarious!! :)



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