
Monday, August 26, 2013

An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

An open letter to Miley Cyrus::

totally normal and not creepy at all......

Dear Miley,

I heard that your performance was meant as a sort of a "Shock and Awe" tactic.  While I appreciate your war on your alter ego, Hannah Montana, I do not appreciate being one of your casualties.  

My poor eyes are still burning from the bomb you dropped during the VMAs last night.  I know you want to change your image.  I know you want people to quit looking at you as Hannah Montana.  I know being 20 is confusing.  You should try and enjoy it though.  Look at poor Taylor Swift.  She is at the ripe old age of 23 and already singing songs and reminiscing about being 22 again.  Your youth, as confusing and frustrating as it may be, is something worth preserving.  After last nights performance, are you really going to want to remember it in say, 30 or 40 years....

Actually, after last nights performance, I have to question if you will actually be around that long.  I can only figure that a young woman with her tongue hanging out like a rabid dog, dancing her way out of a teddy bears stomach, is on some sort of drugs.  I'm guessing acid because, Guuuuuurrrllll, you be trippin' if you think that your performance was stage worthy.

Omg!!  What was with that teddy bear ensemble?  Was it supposed to be a cute play on you wearing a "Teddy", and being sexy?  I'm pretty confident the only people you have officially attracted are child molesters, and possibly one or two sleazy, fetish, porn directors.  Let's face it, neither of them are an accomplishment to brag about. If it were me, I would get back in the giant teddy bear, curl up, and pray for the zombie apocalypse to come.  I would rather have my face ripped to shreds by zombies than show it in public again.

What bothers me even more is, I really liked that song you opened with.  Well, until last night.  Now I keep having nightmares about giant, alien, teddy bears giving birth via c-section to mini, crazy Miley's.  Seriously, it's like that bear gave birth to the next leader of the planet "Bearscaria", and all of the bears are your followers, and you have them brainwashed, and they are your army of giant minions that are here to help you take over planet Earth in an evil plot make us all sink to your level of bad hair, and lack of any sort of style.  Out with jeans and t-shirts and in with creepy teddy bear onesies.  Thanks to you, I want to burn every poor, innocent teddy bear in our home.  

I also need to ask why you felt the need to force that poor woman to wear a bear head on her back, wear the tightest striped pants, and throw stuff into the crowd, all while you sexually harassed her, beat her, and then shoved your face in her ass.  I really hope you consider paying for her therapy.  

Should we even discuss the foam finger your donned on your hand and used to molest yourself?  It looked like you were waving an oven mitt around, and every time you used it to rub your crotch, I thought maybe you were checking to see if the yeast had risen and the bread was done down there. These images will forever be burned into my head.  I feel victimized, and dirty.  If Lady GaGa and Marilyn Manson had a daughter, she would put on a less disturbing performance than you did.  

I'm sad for you, and for those poor violated teddy bears.  Oh and Will Smith, and his kids, and my kids, and me, and the entire population that still has their sight and a tv.  For crying out loud sweetie, if you are sick of your Hannah Montana, Disney star image, that's one thing but don't punish the rest of us because you took a very character defining role.  Get your shit together and put on your big girl panties, suck it up, and MOVE THE EFF ON withOUT violating our eyes.  Even my daughter, who happened to walked passed the computer as her father was watching a replay of your performance, was ONE.YEAR.OLD.  A child whose activities include, pooping and peeing on herself, eating food off the floor, and chewing on shoes.  She looked at you like you were a damn fool.  I even took a picture.

"omg!!!  what is she doing to that poor teddy bear?"

Oh, and one last thing Ms. Cyrus.  You are white and have no junk in the trunk.  Stop acting like you can run all over the stage twerking.  It's an embarrassment.  Just let the girls who got it, flaunt it.

Story of a Girl


  1. LMAO I literally cried laughing at this.... I didn't see the performance (I'm in Australia it hasn't yet aired here),but this post pretty much sums up my feelings towards the photos I've seen

  2. This got me curious because I didn't watch her performance. I might look for it later.


  3. I didn't even see it and I'm traumatized from hearing about!!!

  4. gosh blogger....bottom line is, there is no doubt that white girl shaking her teddy bear cray cray dance is making more money than you. Easy on the judging sister, last I heard NO ONE walks on water, and if ya do, post those pics for us to see.

    God Bless and Good Luck!

    1. LMAO Thanks for the anonymous comment keyboard ninja. You must be a stage dancing crotch rubbing, teddy bear humping "artist" yourself. hahaha I'd rather be broke than an embarrassment.

    2. omg next time we are together, Tia, we will get pics of you walking on water. Remind me.

  5. Thanks for your post, on the contrary, I am a mother, with open minded healthy children that I teach to respect people and art for what it is. I do not teach them to be scared or ashamed, but rather supportive of people with hopes and dreams. Furthermore, what I find ironic is that you have a choice to change a channel and for whatever reason you didn' you have a secret fetish with teddy bears and booty shakes? Is that what kept you watching? Or was it so you could write this ridiculous blog about someones daughter?

    Godspeed! I truly wish you and your family the best and hope your children are not suppressed and afraid of expressing themselves in any way.

    1. Do you have a secret fetish with me? Is that why you kept reading? If you choose to raise your kinds to respect trash that's your call. Changing the channel isn't an option when it's on every channel after the show and all day the next day. Your pitiful "excuses" for why it's okay doesn't fly here. You are welcome to click to another site. I truly hope my daughter is not a booty shaking whore like your kids are destined to be. Godspeed you fabulous Keyboard Ninja!

    2. Tia, thanks for telling Ms Anonymous here what the rest of us were thinking about her doing the infamous attacking of the messenger. I'm sure that Miley's parents are oh so proud of her 'performance'. LMAO, yeah I'm sure they are proud beyond belief. As a matter of fact, I bet they're having DVDs of the show pressed as we speak, to give out to all of their friends and family.

      Speaking of proud, that is some picture, huh? No, not the one of the whore with the shaved head on stage, the one of the recently-turned one year old, being embarrassed for the bald whore on stage. It's my favorite picture of her so far, I'm pretty sure.

  6. very well put thank you!

  7. You go Girl!! Well put and well said!! I didn't watch the awards but after all the hub bub going around about her performance I watched it out of morbid curiosity... things that are seen unfortunately can't be unseen. I was mortified at how she acted!!! This world is so going down hill and fast!!!!! Oh and to the ones who can't put their name up when THEY criticize... try joining the real world one day....when you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe. And who cares how much money anyone may or may not make.... there used to be such a thing in this world called morals and standards... neither of which Ms. Cyrus possesses. Just saying!! :)

  8. what the h is twerking anyways?

  9. The part I most enjoyed about your article above was pointing out that the only people who would find that attractive would be child molesters. I'm a super open-minded person and actually don't mind overtly sexual performances---within the correct context. Her nearly pre-adolescent look with the weird pigtails did look far more like child pornography than an adult performance.

    I have no problem with Miley deciding to create a new persona... but I do think this was too stark in contrast to her former "good girl" image, and I'm just glad that she decided to reveal it at an awards show rather than an actual concert attended by tweens. Wonder how her next tour's ticket sales will go?

    1. I love this point of view! I have no problem with sex either but this was immature and made it look like a desperate teenage girls power grab for attention.

  10. HA, super funny! I only saw clips, the twerking all over town is embarrassing, she does not have that kind of body. I am not a prude by any means and that was just not a good shocking performance? It was just weird and awkward. VMA's have always been about shocking people and pushing the envelope, sometimes it just turns out bad, bad, bad.
    Plus she did not do Pharell or TI justice on that song, at all!

  11. OKAY I have alot to say about this. SO what you all are saying is that if your kid comes home and tells you that they want to be a prostitute or stripper you would support them? Highfive them???? What she did was in no way shape or form art. I could get my ass up there and do what she did.
    What story of a girl said is that this is the WRONG kind of attention. And I agree. I wouldnt let my child watch her. Personally I didnt watch the VMAs because I listen to music. Not mainstream shit. So I watched Miley the next day. And sadly she is no longer Hannah Montana. Can you imagine those kids that idolized her?????? Now what do they think??? I personally know a 16 yr old who has cut her hair like Miley and is following this new attitude... It has gotten her into nothing but trouble and her parents dont know what to do...
    WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT THIS FOR YOUR CHILD? You are supposed to protect them..... Take them to their full potential. This isnt potential. SHE IS TRASH. IDC how much money she makes. Id rather live under a bridge than do what she did on national TV. She is not something I would let my daughter watch or listen to. Because I want better than that for my kid. AND when you have an opinion and you STAND BY IT. You dont comment anonymously.... Why???

  12. I don't watch the VMAs because I honestly rarely listen to the radio and rarely know the songs and artists they feature anyway, but after hearing all the fuss about this performance, I watched the video online. I didn't really find it shocking nor did I feel violated by it like so many people claim to feel (of course, I didn't watch it live so I was expecting it to be pretty bad). My initial reaction was just that it was uncomfortable to watch because she looked so awkward and like she was trying way too hard, and I almost felt embarrassed for her because it just came off as really pathetic. And I feel like all the people they did close ups of in the audience felt the same way. Just weird.

  13. Bwhahahahah! This was hilarious and oh so true! Love your daughter's reaction too!

  14. I love when people bash but won't tell you who they are... hide behind their little keyboard. Loved this! She was disgusting.. and yeah.. people are all like "any attention is good attention" umm... no.. sorry.. it's not.

    I still secretly like the song, though.. guess it's not a secret anymore, tho.. since I didn't post this anonymously!

  15. I thought this was well written. I laughed at the people who commented anonymously. If you have an opinion, don't be afraid to use your name. It is your opinion. I loved the "letter".
    I think Miley was raunchy, disgusting, pathetic and distasteful! I was sick to my stomach to see how she turned out. I think she could have found a better way to lose her Hannah Montana alter ego. I didn't see the whole performance. I turned it off when she stated using the foam finger. She totally disgusted me. All I can say is we all need to pray for her and all who watched this hideous performance, no, it wasn't a performance. IT.WAS.TRASH!!!!

  16. It's honestly such a shame that she's put herself in the situation she has. It's one of those cases that I literally hurt when I see what she is doing, because I just feel for her. I feel so bad that she is taking the road she is...I wish she'd straighten herself out. She is a very trashy person... This was an awesome letter...

    On another note, I've followed your blog on BlogLovin' because of the TGIF Blog Hop :) my blog is, I'd love it if you returned the favor! :)

  17. Frankly the idea of an adult using child's most lovable toy for erotic fun screams molested/molester. I thought the vulgor performance was ridiculous but the reaction from it was way too funny she was amazing when she was younger wtf up with all the Disney Girls they all went Haywire, Disney seriously needs a Mandatory Therapy Counseling to all the actors before leaving their production studios o.O


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