
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Have an Announcement

EVERYBODY, GET READY TO CHEER!!!! (or be grossed out....depending on what excites you)

At the ripe old age of 4 years 1 month and 28 days my middle child has finally taken the initiative to quit making me wipe his ass!!!!!  I also didn't have to wipe up one puddle of pee OR wash any urine drenched clothing.

There is a light at the end of our potty training tunnel!!  I truly thought it was a burned out old bulb but now my faith is renewed and I think it may actually be one of those energy savers that start out dim but brighten and last for years!

I have to confess, I was starting to worry.  I actually started googling "home school" and not as a "Just in case." scenario.  I really thought I would never be able to send this child to school.  I had retired the idea of one day having the house to myself and actually getting cleaning accomplished and a show watched without having to pause it 30 times.  I had just made plans to start putting money in an "adult diaper fund" for this child.   Today changed that feeling of doom and turned it into a feeling of hope and faith.

I no longer feel like a complete failure.  Turns out all I needed was a little help.  So I just want to take a minute to say thank you to my Mom, who has made a big effort to help me through this struggle and support me.  Oh and a double thanks for her bribing methods which REALLY helped make this possible!

We set out 2 jars.  "Hunter went potty" and "Hunter wet his pants"  if he went on the potty, he got a quarter but, if he wet his pants he had to give a quarter back.  It worked like a charm!!!  Now, this Mommy is going to "Do the, potty dance!" hehe



Day 9 of the 30 Day Blogger Challenge:::COMPLETE!!!!


  1. LMAO omg, your posts make me literally laugh out loud. Both of my kids are crying right now so I can't comment any further, just wanted to say BRAVO!

  2. WOOOH HOOO!!! lol Way to go! My daughter was easy to potty train but I have a feeling my son is going to be somewhat of a challenge. . .This gives me hope!! hehe! Congrats mommy!

  3. I remember having to wipe your son for a long time. Now, I don't remember what age that was, but way beyond when I thought I should have been doing it. It is such a relief to know they can finally do some things for themselves. My son is moving away to college this fall, so he is going to move out. He made it, I'm sure you son will too!! I am going to miss him like crazy, but ready for his independence.

  4. Yay! Super exciting!! I'm not looking forward to going through potty training again! At least I have a few years before it comes! :)


  5. So there is hope?????!!! I was starting to think the same as you. I have been trying to potty train my guy for 10 months now and he still doesn't get it. He could care less. I will try your bribing, but bribing doesn't usually work with him. He is more stubborn then that.

  6. Ok, a 'parenting announcement' that you're 'overjoyed' about, I thought you were going to say that you're pregnant! But a potty trained kid is a very close second! Congrats :))

  7. Woohoo congratulations. I'm about to embark on that challenge with my 17 month old in a week. Wish me luck. :)


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