
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bowling for Cake

I'm usually in town for my dad's birthday.  Except last year because this time last year I was giant, miserable, pregnant, and not allowed to drive.  I'm here this year and I asked him what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday.  He told me he wanted and Old Fart cake.

Ummmm....I thought maybe I should hit Pinterest for that!  LOL  So, I did and I found this cake

I showed it to my dad and he decided he no longer wanted and Old Fart cake.  He said it would look to gross to eat.  So I asked him what else he would like.  See the year before I made him a John Deer Cake

This is my own creation.  

So since we did the above cake a couple of years ago we couldn't do that theme again.  So he thought about it and came up with his next favorite thing.  Bowling.  He is a great bowler and loves doing it.  So I told him "Okay, a bowling cake it is!!"

I thought to myself  "A bowling cake????  This is going to be easy peasy!"  A word of warning....Don't ever think that to yourself.  You are setting yourself up for failure by thinking it will be easy!!  The part I thought would be the easiest was the bowling call I was going to put on top. I originally thought that I would simply make the ball on the top out of Rice Krispie treats and cover it in fondant for a completely edible cake.  Then I thought "Why waste the money and time?  No one will eat the Rice Krispie ball anywa.  I'm sure I can find a round piece of styrofoam for cheap at the craft store!"   Let me tell ya, the damn round styrofoam at the craft store was $5!!!  Yes, FIVE.FREAKIN.DOLLARS.  What the hell?!  So then I thought "Oh, you big dummy, you can find a cheap little black bouncy ball!!  You are a genius!!"  Ummmm.....Wrong again!!  It was impossible to find a black bouncy ball around here.  So then I thought that I would go to to the party store here in town and just see how much their styrofoam balls were.  They didn't have any....

So I ran back to the dollar store and got a green bouncy ball and a thin black cloth book cover to stretch around it.  I was certain the bouncy was the PERFECT size!!!  


Too big.

Finally I found one of the kids plastic soft balls and my mom got the black cloth around it and I used a coffee travel mug lid to hold it in place on top of the cake.  Ghetto Fab is how I roll!  I made all of the little bowling pins out of fondant and did the score card the same.  Wet the fondant a tiny bit and sprinkles some sugar crystals on for a little excitement.  The I piped on some other decor and TADA!!!!!!!!!

After my frantic morning of hitting up every single freakin' store in this town and a few others, I finally found the right ball to top off the cake and it was in the garage the WHOLE.EFFING.TIME. 

Did it turn out great???  No.  I was rushed.  It turned out a lot better than I thought it would though.  So, I have to show it off a little.  hehe

I think I rolled a "strike" on this one!  Woohooooo  If you hate it please "spare" my feelings.

Oh how I love puns.  haha

Day 11 of the 30 day blogging challenge::COMPLETE!


  1. Okay, I so want lessons! VIDEO LESSONS! With written step by steps lmao

    Did I forget to mention I suck at cooking? But I've always wanted to be able to make cakes like this...where did you learn?

    1. I am actually self taught. I just mess around with stuff until I figure it out. I google and watch videos and pray I get lucky! haha I can't give tutorials because half the time I don't remember how I do it. hahaha I was definitely not born to be a teacher. Just keep trying and make google your bff! ;)


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