
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have a feeling I will be famous one day! ha!!

I just love "your ecards" and "Bluntcards" It's like seeing every single thought in my mind come to life in a ridiculously awesome and calm way!

Shane's teacher is totally going to push me over the edge one day!  The lady is nuts!  I want to go up to that school and strangle her.  (If there is a news report that this has happened be a friend and let a girl know so she can delete this blog stat!)
Anyhow, about a month ago Shane checks out a library  book.  It is this stupid Scooby Doo book.  No clue what the title was....Okay, not the point.  After his week was up we sent it back. He tested on it and I got a note home say he had failed the test, had to recheck out the book, and then test again the following Tuesday.  


The following Tuesday comes, we send the book back and it comes back home AGAIN on Wednesday.  Wth??  I asked Shane if he tested on it and failed again.  He said "No and I didn't fail the first time.  They screwed up"  So I asked why the book was sent again and he told me he didn't know. 


The following Tuesday we send it back and, OMG!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!  IT'S BACK!!!!!


I got so fed up that I did NOT send it this week.  Then I get this note in his folder.  My reply is right next too it.  (Obviously lol)

 Seriously?!?!?!  You have got to be kidding me!!!!!


The crazy lady sends me a note explaining the library book procedures.  She keeps claiming he didn't pass but she sent a thing home say he has passed ALL of his reading counts tests....


Clearly this whole procedure is lost on know...seeing as he passed it THE FIRST TIME!!  This is the same woman who sent me a note informing me Shane took a classroom assignment home that was to be left at school and that I needed to PROMPTLY return it.  So, I did and it stayed in his folder untouched for 3 days with no more work done in it and then on day 4 a 100% grade.  Also, the same lady who, if asked to further explain an assignment, underlines the directions on the page that I didn't understand in the first place and sends it back to me.  I am so irritated I could scream!  I think, for her own safety, it's time for her to retire! Someone is going to lose it on her one day! That is all. For now...


Saturday, I decided to purchase a gun.  I found the perfect one.  It was a Charter 38 special.  The best part? It was PINK!! It's actually called the "Pink Lady" I have been eyeing it for about a year now online. It usually retails around $400.  I found it at our local pawn shop for $250.  Usually I would be leery of buy used but Charter Arms offers a lifetime warranty and the pawn shop has a 14 day return policy.  Anyway, I filled out all of the paperwork.  It usually takes 5-10 minutes to get approved through ATF.  Not for me though.  Turns out my name resembles that of a terrorist.  Just my luck!  So, the normal 5-10 minute wait to take my lovely lady home turned into a 3 day ordeal.  They needed to do further investigation.  I later began to question previous comments I had made.  It dawned in me that it may have been in poor taste to comment on a gun Heath was showing me by saying "I am not buying a gun to shoot animals, I'm buying it to shoot people!!  Quit showing me stupid crap!" To my surprise and excitement late yesterday evening everything came back and I was marked a "proceed"!  About freakin' time!  Picked my pretty mama up today!  Hunter was especially pleased with my purchase.  He is, of course, his father's son!  He was excited when we went to pick it up and informed me he wanted a pink gun too.  Then he saw it and told me "take that back!  I don't want it!  It's for girls!!!"  Apparently, he was under the impression that a "pink" gun was a type of gun NOT the color of it.  After throwing a huge tantrum in the middle of the shop over him not wanting a pink gun, I finally got him to understand that is was for ME, a girl, and NOT him.  He then decided he needed to pick out his own weapon. ((sigh))  It's never ending with this child! He did get a gun though.  He's spoiled.  It's fake, don't freak!

Pink Lady

He looks so tough with his new toy


  1. I think it is your turn to get that teacher a book and make her read it, test her, fail her and repeat!!!

  2. My question is,
    Why haven't you already made the trip to the school?
    I've been to my daughters' 3 times this year for them to explain themselves.

    Stop by the principal's office first, and tell him/her why you are there, and who you are going to talk to...and invite them to sit in. Doing that cuts out all the he said / she said bullshit, and saves time on running back and forth between rooms.

    Cute gun, but now you need to Bedazzle the grip!


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