
Saturday, September 10, 2011

It wasn't so bad! Hooray!!

Well, I have to write about this because it's a big deal!  No, wait...HUGE deal!

 Heath got a  new position at work at the beginning of the week and it keeps him in town.  Yes, that's right I said "IN TOWN".

When I heard this all I could think was "OH EM GEE, I am going to end up leaving him or killing him!!!"  The thought of having him here allllllllll theeeee tiiiiime made me want to slit my wrist.  I was repeating the proper wrist slitting procedure in my head over and over.  You know "up the tracks not across" and "use something jagged to make it harder to sew up"!  Morbid, I know but most of you just don't understand!!

See, we were always really great at loving each other from a distance.  The whole "absence makes the heart grow fonder" theory?  Then in the blink of an eye God tried to play a practical joke on us and bring him back to town....permanently.  

As Heath is telling me this with all of his excitement, I have that fake smile planted on my face and I am saying ", that's just so darn fantastic..." and then my insides started cringing and all I could think was "our perfect relationship is over"  


Now here we are and, it is one whole week later and both of us are still alive.  Miracle upon Miracles we did NOT kill each other.  We didn't even really fight the whole week.  It was actually enjoyable having him home (minus the dirty socks and work boots in the middle of the floor) 
He has helped with the kids and they are behaving better and acting out less.  I'm actually happy for a change!!  

Not the ending y'all saw this blog having was it??  I am just full of surprises huh?! 


  1. I'm excited for y'all... more MNO! ;)

  2. Im glad it is working out! You get more freedom too!

  3. yay! glad its working out :)) yes more MNO!

  4. That's just the first week. Let us know after week two! Actually I'll give it three weeks. LOL

    I love you and I am so happy that you both had a good week together.

    Love, Mom

  5. Nice. Informative

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