
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Armless Men and Buffalo Balls...

I love my friends.  We have so much fun!  When we are all together it seems like we can make the most boring place or the worst situation into a fun time.

Yesterday, I headed over to Jennifer's house to pick her and the girls up.  We noticed the neighbor's garage was open and he was in there.  We start gossiping about said neighbor and she informs me that he is a huge fitness junkie.  Of course, I growl an "oh really" (like I care because I HATE working out) Then Jennifer starts laughing and say's "yeah, and I don't know why, but he is always working out with some one armed man...." I'm all like "what??  Are you serious??" and she's like "yes!! It's weird but the one armed guy is ALWAYS there"

Then we back out of her drive and as we are backing out she goes "OMG!  He's there again, LOOK"

So, I look...and then I noticed something.  He wasn't a one armed man!!!  So I say, "omg he looks like a NO armed man Jennifer!!  How does a no armed man work out??"  And Jennifer's like "what?? Nuh uh!!  I swear he had an arm!"

Then we are totally laughing so hard we are all about to hyperventilate.  Mind you, there is an 8 and 11 yr old in the back seat dying of laughter too.

THEN, The 11 year old chimes in...."THAT'S A DUMMY MOM!!"  OMG!!  BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  All this time Jennifer thought the neighbor had this sad one armed friend and then within a matter of seconds he goes from a one armed man, to a no armed man, to not even a man!

This is the kind of stuff we go through when we are together.  This is our life on a weekly and even sometimes a daily basis!!  We get ourselves into crazy messes and funny disasters and we've been through sad and unforgettable life events together and everyone one of them start like this conversation and end like this::::::

Yes, after yesterdays events this is what we heard on the way home.  Then the conversation goes something like this:
Jennifer goes "omg this makes me want to run up some stairs!  ha!!!"  And of course I'm all like "are you serious?  Let's go find some!!"  and Jenn is like "Okay!  where are there stairs?" Then I say "OH OH Let's go to ACU!!"    and Jenn's like "okay but we have to google the theme song on our phone and run up the stairs with it playing!!"

Then we hear "Uh Mom, what are we doing?  Is this safe" and Jenn tells her kids to "trust us"  (famous last words right?)

Off we go to ACU.  We get there, and it is loaded with people.


Anywhere else have stairs???  Anybody???  No?  Okay.  Drive, drive drive....Weird noise...Jennifer "oh that's the singing bridge" Me "what are you talking about?  That's just vibration" Jennifer "NO IT'S NOT!!  The bridge sings twinkle twinkle or some crap like that!" 

"What????  I'm turning around!"  I go left in the first lot I see and being the crazy ADD person I am I'm all like "look, a buffalo!!  Y'all wanna take pictures with the buffalo?" (singing bridge completely forgotten by this time) 

11 yr and and 8 yr old "NOOOO!!!"

Jennifer, "yes!!"


Poor Buffalo got fondled last night.  Then the girls start yelling for us to "come on!!" all embarrassed from the truck!  So we go.  

Then it hits me!!  There is a buffalo with a saddle on N. 1st!!

Off we go!!!

This time the girls feel left out and want in on the action!  So we turn the radio up (on the oldies station of course) and sing and go buffalo hunting!



  1. I'm not sure why anyone would ever let their child see them grab an animal statue penis.

  2. Well, you found this through facebook which means you are probably a "friend" so why not just ask me without the "anonymous" post? If it is offensive to you why read the blog to begin with. It clearly states the content in the title.

  3. I'm not sure anyone should ever have to hold their kids hands while going to see a friend who has died. Grabbing a buffalo by the balls had a lot of meaning that day and I am sorry if you are more offended by that then a disease that can kill.

  4. hehehehehehe maybe we should find them and grab them by the balls! ;0)

  5. I think it's great and super funny lol I think it shows you can't always take like to serious you have to live a little. After what these little girls went through to loose a friend to a disease they are also battling with, I say what ever brings a smile to their face is all that matters. Laughter heals a broken heart.

  6. what's wrong with letting a kid grab a statue by the balls?! kids are more aware of stuff like this these days than a million years ago when you were born probably. there's no changing it, so you might as well accept it.

    glad you're not my mom/dad, you sound like you're no fun at all.

    love you tia!

  7. I hear they are tasty when cooked well! I saw it on Bizarre Foods!

  8. OMG! I love all of you! My life really does rock because of all of my fun friends and family!!

    I heard they taste yummy too!! ;0)

  9. I want to grab some buffalo balls...

    just sayin'.

  10. LOL, well, we'll take you next time hehehehe

  11. You know if I was there I would have done the same damn thing. I am so happy you all had a good time. Everyone of you, kids included, needed that time. Whoever anonymous is needs to let there hair down (if you have any). Life is to short to "BELITTLE"!
    I love all of you and keep having a rockin' life!

  12. Oh I know you would Mom! That's why we have so much fun!! LOL

  13. HAHHA, this post cracked me up. What an armless dummy!!! Duh! Makes me wanna run around with y'all now! BTW, I probly would have grabbed some balls too. Sometimes you gotta make the switch from husband to buffalo, ya know?

  14. LOLOLOL!! Well you'll have to come next time and we will bring some wine and really get after it! ha!!!!!!!!!!

  15. holy crap, I could use wine. And a maid. and a green smoothie lol.

  16. oh I'll take a maid too!!! Yay for maids and wine....still in the air on the green smoothies LOLOLOL

  17. This goes well with the camel pic...
    Start an album of fake-animal violation photos! :)


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