
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Breaking News::So exciting!


I am super excited to announce that I, Story of a Girl, was nominated by the wonderful and fabulous Crazy Mama Drama for the "Versatile Blogger Award"!! I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to accept this award.  Especially since it's my first ever!  Thanks again, Brooke for the nomination.  Y'all need to check out her blog ASAP!  >>> Crazy Mama Drama <<<

Okay, on to the goods!  My 7 random facts!  

1.  I love to crochet with a nice wine buzz! as a matter of fact, I have made many baby shower gifts while completely wasted!

2.  I love to eat plain potato chips dipped in ketchup.  Even when I'm not pregnant!!  It is soooooo yummy!!

3.  I am terrible at making friends and usually come off really snotty and bitchy in person.  Even when I think I'm smiling, I'm usually not.  Sorry, it's just how I look, I'm really not completely bitchy or snotty!

4. I don't understand math passed the pre-algebra level, and I also don't know how to properly use the words "passed" and "past".

5.  I really like the Hannah Montana Movie and when it came out I watched it WITHOUT kids present. 

6.  I like to randomly make really mean faces at kids who are acting up in stores when their parents aren't looking.  

7.  I love bowls.  If I see bowls on the clearance rack I have to buy one.  I like to have a lot of them in all shapes, sizes and colors.  Even if I never use it.  The idea that I have a bowl for every occasion gives me peace of mind! 

There you have it folks!  7 of the most random pieces of information.  Did I scare you away?? haha

Now for my nominations!  These are in no particular order!  I think they are all equally fabulous!!  Of course there are a million more fab blogs out there but these stood out to me today!! 

And now, here are the rules for all those nominated!

  1. Create a post for the Versatile Blogger Award
  2. Add the Versatile Blogger Award
  3. In the same post, thank the blogger(s) who gave you the award and put a link back to their blogs.
  4. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers the Versatile Blogger Award and inform each nominated blogger by posting a comment on each blog
  5. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself
  6. In the same post, include this set of rules


  1. thank you thank you! I am honored to get this award from you! I love the things you list too. I LOVE BOWLS. so cute! Katy - I Want a Dumpster Baby

    1. Ha! I am so easily pleased. It's the little bowls LOL LOL

  2. Thank you for the nomination! So incredibly awesome! And FYI, I like to crochet by warm glow of wine in my belly, too. LOL!

    1. Ha! Awesome!! It's the best way to do it! You are also very welcome! :)

  3. These are random? Were I to crochet (which I don't have the patience for) it would totally be with a glass of wine, I don't make friends very well either (impatience again, maybe??) I like to make disapproving faces at other peoples children who are misbehaving (when they're not looking of course), AND I totally wish I had MORE bowls because my children have broken all but 5. Love your spirit!

  4. I think I like pillows as much as you like bowls! and I poke my tongue out at kids all the time!

  5. Congratulations to you!!!!! And thanks heaps for the nomination!! I too poke faces at kids in shops - when their parents arn't looking....and only little ones - can't trust the big ones won't tell their mum!!

  6. Congrats on the award - earning one sounds like a lot of woork!
    Visiting you on the blog hop. Give me a visit some time at

  7. Congrats on the Versatile Blogger award! Chips in ketchup? That's interesting, guess it's no different that fries in ketchup though right? Found you today via the Blog Hop, come by and visit if you get the chance.

    1. Thanks! Yes! Just like fries LOL Heading your way now :)

  8. Hello, lady! Guess what?! I just tagged you for the Liebster Blog award! See my latest blogpost! I just love your blog!

    1. OMG! Thank you!!! I can't wait to start on it! (as soon as I stop feeling like death lol) I'm so excited!! :)

  9. Thanks for the award!! I am flattered!

  10. Congrats and NOW I'm nominating you for the Liebster Award!! PARTAY!!


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