
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Truth be told, I'm lying......

I find telling children stories is a crucial part of parenting.  When I say "stories" I pretty much mean lies.  Before y'all get all "what a bad mom, she lies to her kids" crazy on me, I want you to stop and remember that a "story" and a "lie" is actually one in the same.  It's a creative description of events made up with vivid imagination.  

STOP!!  STOP!!! STOP!!!!!

No need to run off to the dictionary to look up the "real" definition.  I know the above isn't it, literally speaking.  It is the definition in my brain though.  No this also doesn't mean that I condone lying, so don't stress all of your pretty (and not so pretty) little heads over it.  I am aware that there are good stories and there are bad stories and I teach my kids the difference. 

Yesterday, we had a fun story telling evening.  We had just gotten off the ferry and I pulled into the lot to get the kids buckled and situated when we saw prints in the mud!  Obviously, the mature adult I am screamed to Shane (my 6 yr old) "OMG!!  LOOK!!!!!!  BIG FOOT WAS HERE!!!!"  Obviously, my 6 yr old can't read very well and there was a sign by the woods that the tracks led too.  I don't know what the sign said, I didn't really read but I told Shane it said "BEWARE OF BIG FOOT".  

Talk about excitement in the air!!  We went and we hunted the elusive creature.  The kids had the best time looking for him and it made for a GREAT.....No, No, wonderful.......hmmmmm not the right word either..OH OH OH.....PHENOMENAL (perfect word) lesson.  When the hunt was over and the kids didn't find him, I took the opportunity to scare them a little by telling them this "story"

"Big Foot does not, I repeat does NOT, like kids who misbehave.  He enjoy snacking on them while he watches scary movies in his woodland apartment. Now that you know that, I also need you to remember that we have not caught Big Foot and he is still out there.  He could be anywhere.  So if for some reason he happens to be near you and he peeks in your window and sees you misbehaving he will snatch you!  You better be as goooooood as you can, just in case he is watching you"

Shane::: "Mom, are you lying??  Are you?????"

Me::: "would I do such a thing? I'm your mother!!"

Shane:: "no, I guess not....."

Yep, I try to find a teaching point in every fun family adventure!  I also never pass up an opportunity to scare the crap out of my kids!!!  It's the best part about being a parent!  hehehehehe

1 comment:

  1. Hehe it sounds like you made a awesome adventure :D . And LOL your so funny hehe love to see his face when you said "would I do such a thing? I'm your mother!!" . I think its fine :P sounds like your the fun mom .


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