
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Knock, Knock.....

So, I finally met a neighbor.  She took it upon herself to kindly introduce herself to us at 1:40 am while wearing a night gown and a robe with a cigarette in her hand and a housewarming gift.  It was a gift of accusations, but not just any accusations, they were FLYING Accusations. Sweet huh?  I learned something new from these accusations.  "What?" you asked.  I learned that Heath and I clearly scream and fight in our sleep so loud that it woke her up.  I was also informed that we have a little girl.

Yeah, I know!  I was surprised to learn this too!!!!!

Not only do we have a little girl but we were yelling and making her scream and then we hid her away when our neighbor pounded our door down.  Heath calmly explained to her that we were all sound asleep seeing as it is 1 freakin' 40 in the morning and we have a sick kid!! Heath then spoke to her in his most gentle voice and asked if she had forgotten to take her meds.  She was not happy about that question. We then politely told her to go to hell and then closed the door in her very poorly aged face. What a warm welcome to the neighborhood.
It was almost like it could have been a really bad Knock Knock joke.......
Knock knock

"who's there?"

"your neighbor"

"your neighbor who?"

"your neighbor Sandy"

"that joke sucks sandy go away!!"

YEP She shall hate me soon enough, I'm sure!

1 comment:

  1. Why can't you get along with your neighbors?
    I raised you better than that! LOL


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