
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pure and Total Awesomeness!

Well, we are pretty much all moved in and settled.  The boys and I all love the house.  Shane and Hunter are still trying to adjust to sharing a room but I think this will be good for them....eventually.  The kids have already met all of the other neighbor boys and they all run back and forth to each other's houses and play.

I did notice something odd.  The boys all seemed to spend an awful lot of time in my backyard.  It confused me because the most exciting thing we have in our yard it a tire I thought....

Yesterday I had one of my AMAZING parenting moments I heard a loud pounding outside.  I didn't think much of it at first.  Then it his me.  This image popped in my head.  An image I had seen the day before of 4 little boys with their heads together AHHHHHHH!!!!!

It was this image

Some sort of warning should have popped in my head one of those danger signs or probably all of them....

But they didn't.  I just thought it was cute and most likely innocent, and I sat and thought to myself


"What could possibly go wrong??"

WELL, That previously mentioned pounding, THAT is what went wrong.......

I went running to the window and saw those boys making something out of scrap wood from behind the shed....but what were they pounding with?  Well, let me show you:::::

That's right folks!  You guessed it!!  A Sawzall and and Axe.  My 6 & 2 year old and 3 of the 6 yr old's friends were chopping and sawzalling. (<----probably not really a verb but that's the word I'm going with today).  I went running out there like a crazy person, I'm sure my eyes were crossed, my hair was standing, my claws were out and my head was smoking!!  I started yelling and they all got quiet and just looked at me and said "look at the cool thing we are building

Queue "cool thing"

Next thing I know, some little kid is looking at me saying "Hey, Shane's mom, do you have anything we can shoot at the fort with??"

Needless to say it was time for homework, dinner and a bath for Shane and a Big Ol' Boot for the other little terrorists!

OH and if this isn't parenting at it's finest. I caught Hunter eating out of the trash today......

That would be a banana that he dug out of the trash!

1 comment:

  1. wow! and i thought my girls getting into my water proof mascara was bad. time to install cameras in the back yard?

    Cicily likes eating out of the garbage too! i have to keep the lid on and the garbage low enough that she can't reach it. crazy kids.


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