
Thursday, June 9, 2011

my goal to blog more...or some crap like that......

Ever have those days where you just look around and ask where the hidden cameras are???  I do and more often than I would really like to admit.  I have figured out that by the end of my day I am just far to tired to try and make sense of my days events.  This is most likely the reason for my blogs being non-existent.  If my life was coming to and end and someone asked me to sit down and write my memoirs I would have to laugh because some days I can't even remember if I put deodorant on or took my meds...well, except my birth control pills!  I always remember them!! Plus they are labeled with the day.  Why can't all pills be labeled like that?? I need my medicine to come in an "advent calendar" of sorts. You know?  Those Christmas Calendars that you open each day leading up to the Nativity.  How fun would it be to take medication if you got to open a window to find some pills AND a surprise inside??? 

Okay!!  Totally getting off track here....

Maybe this is why I don't blog!  I am clearly ADHD and can't focus on the task at hand!!  Sheesh!!!!

So, the goal of this particular blog is to apologize in advance if I bombard facebook with an overwhelming amount of status updates.  I think that may be the only way for me to remember my days events. If I lose a few of facebook friends I completely understand!  I mean hell, some of you I added but don't have a clue who you are....I just added you so I didn't hurt your feelings and so you didn't know that I forgot how I knew you.  It won't hurt my feelings if anyone deletes me or doesn't know who I am and added me out of pity either.  (currently taking a friend count to see how many people delete me after this lol) I'm so oblivious and probably too self involved to even notice.  My best friend got mad at me and deleted me and I didn't even notice until I went to post on her wall.  YEP THAT'S ME!!  BEST FRIEND OF THE YEAR!! RIGHT HERE PEOPLE!!  (yes jennifer, I can hear you calling me a bitch all the way down here, and I can see you shaking your head and rolling your eyes too!) 

Well, before I get anymore off track, I am going to what I came here to say, and this is, I am going to do my best to blog more often. Don't know if ya really care or not, but it's for me(though I always welcome the company lol) and I always feel better after writing/typing things at the end of the day.  I guess it's like ending your night with a short story and seeing the two words that make you know, whole heartedly, that your day is finally complete and you can drift off to dreamland! You know what those words are, dontcha?! I'm about to say them right now!


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