
Monday, May 2, 2011

This week my kids taught me.....

These last few days my children have been on top of their game.  I've learned a lot, a whole stinkin' lot to be exact. I guess the learning portion of being a mom keeps my life interesting.  

So here is a small list of the things that changed my life:::

*I learned not to ask a two year old what he would like for dinner.  It is pointless and irritating!  The answer my smartypants gave me you ask??  He told me "food momma!  Fooooooood" He's definitely my big helper! LOL

*I was informed that even 6 year old boys AND dogs need their beauty sleep. 

*Children can hang on to a cart upside down by one foot if they try to climb out of the seat, and they will bring attention to your bad parenting by screaming bloody murder because you are ignoring them while looking at clearance flower bulbs.

*While we are on the subject above I would also like to add that a child can also hang on to his crib railing with one leg while trying to be the next Houdini. 

*No matter what the infomercial tells you, babies CANNOT read.  They can, however, remember the signs of all fast food joints that serve french fries and give toys.  They will also repeatedly yell "french fry, french fry, french fry!!!!!!!!" until the place is out of sight.

*Jesus was apparently hung on the cross by "duck" tape.

*Don't correct a 6 yr old when he calls it "duck" tape as it is apparently more fun to pretend that the tape is made out of ducks rather than to fix DUCTS.

*A 6 year old and a 2 year old will become best friends when daddy is away and they want to give mommy heart failure.

*No matter how bad your chest hurts, it is probably NOT heart failure even though you are praying for it to be just so you can lay down for a while.

*Kids only like to sing songs with bad words when you are at the store around hundreds of old people. 

*Sponge Bob does. in fact, live in a pineapple under the sea!

*Apparently if you say something like"it happened before you were born" that automatically means it was a hundred years ago.  

WOW! It is good to know so much can be learned in such a small amount of time!  Wonder what the rest of the week will hold.......


  1. Hang in there. You're so smart already. I can't wait to see your IQ at the end of the week! ;)

  2. I think you could learn a lot from my grandchildren. They are so smart and intelligent. They also want to keep you on your toes so you won't get to bored with them. I think it is very selfless of them. It shows there love for you.


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