
Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Thanksgiving!! Do You Know Why Pilgrims' Pants Fall Down?

Because they wear their buckles on their hats!!  bahahahahaha

So, it's nearing Thanksgiving and everyone is doing that 30 or 40 days of Thanksgiving, thankfulness crap.  No offense meant to any of my friends plastering their "thankfulness" all over my news feed.  I am THRILLED y'all have SO much to be thankful for!!!  I think it's great!!  Fantastic!!! Wonderful!!! You all seem to be living the same exact life as everyone else doing this "challenge"...

Which, by the way, if your life is so great should it really be called a "challenge" ?  Just sayin'.

Okay, anyway, I tried this challenge and it made me feel guilty because a lot of things I am thankful for seem to come off as...well...what is the right word....conceited? self involved? Snottiness? Self-Loving? Arrogant? Big headed?  Vain? Whatever, how about we go with Confident!

Sure, like the rest of you, I am thankful for my "wonderful family" and my "amazing kids" but lets be honest people!  Don't you ever think to yourself "WOW!  I am thankful I am hot enough to have such cute kids!" or "I am thankful I was given enough sense not to vote for Obama!" Oh and some days I want to say "I am thankful that I went a whole day without killing anyone" Oh Oh Oh and super thankful for Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" song!  I burn a lot of calories dancing around the house too it like a freak! 

See, there is so much I am thankful for. SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH!! That does include my family and all of the crazy little cute things they do.  I have to be honest though, without me they would not be around to do all of those cute little funny things.

I am adding one last thing, I am oh so very thankful that I know how to cook because how can you spout off what you are thankful for at thanksgiving without a big juicy turkey there to listen?? can spend a month doing it....on facebook....yay.......

OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!  I am TOTALLY thankful I have a sense of humor too!!

OHHHHHHHH  and that I am NOT a Turkey!!


You could make my thankfulness list if you got to my previous blog by click 
this -------->> Click me!!   Scroll to the bottom of the post and pick a link to click and donate some money to help Ashley get her Diabetic Alert Dog!! 

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